Personal Injury Blog 

While every personal injury case is unique, prevention is always preferable to litigation. Safer, more conscientious communities is the name of the game — and the team at Morrow, Morrow, Ryan, Bassett & Haik is here to help. In this blog, we’ll debunk common myths, share uncommon insights and generally offer information designed to protect your rights.

Consider this a primer for pending legal questions. While not a replacement for an official consultation, we will touch on topics sure to interest you. Want a topic covered? Contact us!

A pregnant woman in a green dress to be used as a hero image for the article "What to Do if You're Involved in a Car Accident While Pregnant" by MMRBH Law Firm

What to Do If You’re Involved in a Car Accident While Pregnant

By nature, car accidents are traumatic events. But for women who are expecting, concerns for an unborn child’s wellbeing can be particularly alarming. To ensure the best possible outcomes for both mother and child, you need to understand that there are legal rights for pregnant women in car accidents and that there are important things you need to do if you’re in a car accident while pregnant.

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An offshore oil rig in the middle of the ocean, meant as a header image to represent the dangers of offshore drilling for the blog, "Is Offshore Drilling Safe?" by MMRBH Law Firm

A Law Firm’s Perspective: Is Offshore Drilling Safe?

It’s no secret that working at sea presents many dangers. From unpredictable weather to work-related hazards, accidents and illness can strike at any time. With so much risk involved, every maritime worker needs to understand the benefits legally outlined for them in the Jones Act.

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Two large cargo ships in the process of docking at a ship yard. This photo is meant to serve as a header image for the blog "5 facts about maintenance and cure benefits" by MMRBH Law Firm.

5 Facts About Maintenance & Cure Benefits

It’s no secret that working at sea presents many dangers. From unpredictable weather to work-related hazards, accidents and illness can strike at any time. With so much risk involved, every maritime worker needs to understand the benefits legally outlined for them in the Jones Act.

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Pictured is a woman driving a car. The purpose of this photo is to represent someone driving without car insurance, for the blog "What to Expect When You're in a Car Accident with No Insurance" by MMRBH Law Firm.

What to Expect When You’re in a Car Accident with No Insurance

On average, more than 19,000 car accidents happen across the US each day. That’s why car insurance is mandatory in every state—and being caught without it can result in serious penalties.

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A man speaks on the phone as he stare at damage done to the front of his car due to a wreck, indicating one of the reasons individuals seek out car accident lawyers.

5 Reasons You Need a Car Accident Lawyer

We’d all like to think that if we’re involved in a car accident, auto insurance will give us the financial…

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photo of a car that was involved in a head-on auto accident

What to Do If You’re Hurt in an Auto Accident

Car accidents are scary when they happen and can be frustrating to deal with in the days, weeks and months…

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A person standing in the middle of the road as a car's headlights illuminate their form. This photo is meant to represent the article " Car Accidents and the Statute of Limitations in Louisiana" by MMRBH Law Office.

Car Accidents and the Statute of Limitations in Louisiana

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 36,750 people died in crashes during 2018. Meanwhile, Louisiana consistently ranks as…

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A Woman speeds by on a motorcycle as her hair blows in the wind. Cyclists should be aware of the Louisiana motorcycle laws that promote road safety for these fast, but dangerous, vehicles.

Louisiana Road Safety: Important Motorcycle Laws

As the number of bike enthusiasts continues to grow and more cyclists drive more miles, the likelihood of being involved…

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A photo taken from the backseat of a car, showcasing a new teen driver in the front seat. Parents should be wary of teen driver car accident prevention before handing over the keys.

Before You Hand Over the Keys: Teen Drivers and Car Accidents

According to a recent study, more than 60 percent of vehicular collisions involve teenage motorists, and during the last five…

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