Personal Injury Blog 

While every personal injury case is unique, prevention is always preferable to litigation. Safer, more conscientious communities is the name of the game — and the team at Morrow, Morrow, Ryan, Bassett & Haik is here to help. In this blog, we’ll debunk common myths, share uncommon insights and generally offer information designed to protect your rights.

Consider this a primer for pending legal questions. While not a replacement for an official consultation, we will touch on topics sure to interest you. Want a topic covered? Contact us!

a truck carrying logs that has been in an accident and caught fire

The Dangers of Trucking Accidents

Updated on: March 5, 2021 Accidents involving large trucks usually make the news – in Louisiana and nationwide. Human error…

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A row of mailboxes, one of which may have a subpoena in it

Subpoenas: What You Need to Know

For most people, legal matters are not a part of daily life. However, sometimes legal matters are brought to your…

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railway station with abandoned cargo cars on the side, meant to represent the article "Railroad Law: Three Class Action Case Examples" by MMRBH Law Office.

Railroad Law: Three Class Action Case Examples

According to the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), nearly 3,000 train-related accidents occur each year. These mishaps include derailments as…

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photo of a swimming pool, a common attractive nuisance

Attractive Nuisances: Four Things to Know

While many legal issues are not a concern for most people on a daily basis, there are some matters that…

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man shopping for bread at a grocery store—a prime location to encounter product liability risks.

What is Product Liabilty Law?

Product liability is a legal concept indicating that manufacturers and retailers are responsible for injuries or damage caused by their…

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distraught man on the phone after witnessing an accident

What to Do When You Find Yourself as a Witness

When it comes to legal proceedings, people generally worry about being a defendant or plaintiff. However, in most court cases…

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workers in hazmat suits after chemical exposure, representing the article "What is Toxic Tort Law?" by MMRBH Law Office.

What is Toxic Tort Law?

Personal injury is the field of law that covers various situations where one party is responsible for injuries inflicted on…

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MMRBH Lawyers Reside on Louisiana Association for Justice Board

Morrow, Morrow, Ryan, Bassett & Haik are proud to have three lawyers within the firm hold positions on the board…

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portrait of alice and pat morrow

Pat and Alice Morrow Receive the 2015 Leaders in Philanthropy Award

On Nov. 3, the Community Foundation of Acadiana honored Pat Morrow, founder of Morrow, Morrow, Ryan & Bassett law firm,…

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